Florida Citrus Salad with Mango-Tangerine Dressing

As soon as the temperatures up North begin to drop, my area of Florida starts prepping for our annual “snowbird” migration. And with the wicked winter so many have been enduring, we are very BUSY down here! One of the first places the tourists flock to are the citrus groves where our incredibly sweet and...

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Sweet ‘n Tangy BBQ Meatloaf- A Family Favorite

I’m quite certain your family has their favorite meatloaf recipe you are asked to make time and again-well this one is ours! In fact, it’s my granddaughters’ absolute all-time favorite dinner that “Gammy” makes! Also, my younger daughter always asks for this meatloaf every time she’s home for a visit! What makes this meatloaf extra...

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Eat a Better Lunch? Yes You Can!

Begin by checking out MPM’s Lunch Favorites with bunches of yummy ‘n healthy recipes! If you made a New Year’s resolution to “clean up your food act,” how are you doing? Did you start out like gangbusters, only to fall prey by March to too many breakfast goodies, fast food lunches, afternoon snack attacks,...
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My Version of Chicken Tagine-Made in the Crockpot!

Originating from North Africa, tagines are flavorful and diverse dishes. They are commonly served as a combination of chicken, beef or lamb, vegetables (or vegetables alone) that are infused with aromatic herbs and spices. For those that don’t have a tagine (a special two-piece stoneware pot with a cone-shaped lid), I was wondering if it...

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